Author : Udegbe S.U , Ezema .P.O Chima,A.I, Ikechukwu.A. and Chime P.I
The aeromagnetic data of Ankpa and Nsukka areas have been interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively. The total magnetic intensity and residual intensity field showed range of magnetic anomalies which revel that the study area is magnetically heterogeneous. The Horizontal derivative showed the occurrence of subsurface liner structure which could be the presence of faults in the study area. Oasis Montaj, Microsoft and surfer 10 software were employed in the data analysis. This research work is based on high resolution of aeromagnetic data interpretation of Ankpa and Nsukka using Spectral Analysis, Source Parameter Imaging, Euler Deconvolution, forward and inverse modelling in order to obtain the residual magnetic data, estimate the depth to basement and determine the feasibility for hydrocarbon potential in the area, determine the magnetic susceptibility and possible solid minerals in the area. The result from spectral analysis shows that the depth to the magnetically deep source ranges from 2.4 to 6.6km with an overall depth of 3.953km while the depth to the shallow source ranges from 0.66 to 1.7km with overall average depth of 0.979km.The depth result from SPI ranges from -367.9m(shallow magnetic bodies) to -6412.7m(deep lying magnetic bodies).The depths of the magnetic source bodies estimated from Euler deconvolution for the three different structural index(SI=0,1 and 2 ranges from 1036.4m(out cropping magnetic bodies) to -7613.0m(deep lying magnetic bodies).The estimated depths from the forward and inverse modelling method are 522,1289,5766,710 and 1828m for profiles 1-5 with susceptibility values of 0.0146,0.0045,0.0200,0.0001 and 0.0240 SL respectively which indicate dominance of minerals like shale, pyrite, sandstone, dolomite and limestone
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