Author : Mgbakor, M.N.

The main objective of the study is to analyze Economics of rice production in Nkanu East Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the socio-economic characteristics of rice producers in the study area, to determine the types of rice grown in the study area, to determine the profitability of rice production, and to determine the factors affecting rice production. The study was carried out through survey research design. A total of 90 respondents were randomly selected and 15 questionnaires were administered to six (6) communities in Nkanu East Local Government Area of Enugu State where rice is farmed. Analytical tool adopted for the study include; Descriptive statistics, Gross margin analysis and likert scale. The result of analysis showed that majority (53.33%) of the farmers in the study area was males. The age of the respondents between 41-50 years with 34.44%. Majority 72.22% of the respondent were married, the result of educational level shows that majority 55.55% had primary education while the least of respondent 4.44% has tertiary education. The study further indicates that most (58.9%) of the respondent had years of experience more than11 years and the least (16.7%) of the respondent ranging between 1-5years. Also, majority of the rice farmed in the study area was lowland rice with the percentage 63.33%.The research work also indicated that business of rice production in the study area was highly profitable with a BCR of 4.4. The result stated that eight major constraints faced by rice farmers are inadequate land, poor extension service, herdsmen conflict, insufficient funds, high cost of transportation, high cost of labour, cost of farm inputs and pest and diseases. Based on this study, some recommendations were made such as: farmers are encouraged to or form cooperatives to facilitate their access to credit facilities from government, financial institutions and non-governmental organizations. Farmers are also encouraged to plan at the appropriate time to limit losses due to pest.
Affiliation : Department of Agric. Economics and Extension, ESUT, Nigeria
Keywords : Crop, Farmers, Nkanu East, Production, Rice
Date : Friday ,31 ,March ,2023

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