Climate change is a very devastating change that is sweeping across the globe. It includes among others, effect on environmental and other areas such as the teaching and learning environment and must be checked as quickly as possible so that education will not seriously be hindered. A society cannot survive if its natural resources are rendered unfit for use. The only hope of salvaging their grave situation is by making the young aware that they need to proactively begin to protect their environment. This paper examined the effects of global warming, green house and ozone layer depletion. It also highlighted a strategy that is suitable in teaching some environmental
concepts. It is certain that; climate models that project future conditions shows that global warming will continue if emissions of great trapping gases continue to increase. As a result of this, changing distribution of plants and animals population size, growth rate, timing of planting, flowering and timing of animal migration is necessary. This paper recommends that environmental studies should be taught to the students to alleviate the destruction of the ecosystem and create environmental awareness among learners to know the consequences of their action in the environment.
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