The interpretations of aeromagnetic data analysis using both forward and inverse modeling
have been carried out. Seven profiles were taken on the residual map and were modeled using the estimated
depths from the forward and inverse modeling. The aeromagnetic data of Guzabure and its environs Chad
Basin, Nigeria are 2146, 1193, 1786, 881, 2129, 2287 and 1259 m for profiles 1 - 7, with susceptibility values
of 0.04, 0.025, -0.0001, 0.0003, 0.017, 0.0002 and 0.010 SI respectively which indicate dominance of minerals
like clay, petroleum, kaolinite, and rock bearing minerals like limestone, marble, sandstone and granite. The
study area has revealed potentials for mineral deposit; the range of depths of the anomalies at this area of Chad
Basin, Nigeria makes the area favorable for hydrocarbon generation and for mineral deposits which could
serve as raw material(s) for many factories and industries in Nigeria.
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